Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The weather

As I write, we are in the middle of a tornado warning.....
It is raining so hard that a frog is trying to get INTO the house to get away from the wet.

Who says only the British are obsessed with the weather?  On the television here we have a 'Weather Channel'.  There are regular weather updates,  And if, as now, there is a threat of some serious weather event (today a tornado) then the television sends out loud blasts of noise that scare the ...  There are instructions of what to do - the best place to hide here is the laundry-room, a wonderful place too, I have discovered, for someone who is terrified of overhead thunderstorms.

So right now the Sunshine State is not living up to its promise.  We have had all kinds of weather except snow.  Should I ask for my money back?  No.  I still love it.

On a different note, my brother and I spoke over Facetime today.  He in his hospital bed, spaced out on morphine to ease the pain in his back; I on my bed lying on a heatpad to ease the pain in my back.  I'm coming around to the idea that there is nothing actually wrong with my back at all, and that I am having sympathy pains for my brother.  If that is the case, this brotherly love thing is all very well but ....


  1. hiding in the laundry room? That's mum's upbringing - always make sure you've got clean underwear on in case you got knocked over by a car. Where did they get their "wisdom" from???

  2. Hiding in the laundry room.....I guess you're gonna have the cleanest clothes in Florida! (At least it's productive!)
