Monday, 17 November 2014


In a land where nothing is the price it says on the ticket, and where there are discount vouchers for pretty much everything (holidays, Tuesdays (or any other day of the week it seems), grandparents' day each week, they like your British accent (I got 10% off in a department store just for talking!), Veterans' Day, Black Friday - which incidentally now stretches out for the whole of Thanksgiving week; sometimes, by the time you've factored in all the discounts, an item that cost $60 originally will end up being $7) shopping is a complicated business.  Factor in the search from store to store to find the best deal, and it becomes an almost full-time occupation.  This is why I hate shopping and do so little of it.  I have a theory - while the Disney parks I am sure pump out Prozac from the drains, there's a certain enormous supermarket that does the opposite - it sucks the joy out of you, like JK Rowling's death eaters. 
However there is one shop where I could (and almost have done) spend all day .....


  1. Oh, do tell.......what shop would that be?

  2. you should have got your iPad on black, blue cross, green granny, welsh accent, wearing floppy hat, late afternoon, had cheese for lunch, special Thursday.

    That way you could get your ever so loving brother one as well (but not a golden one!!)
