I do not have fat fingers. In fact they are very thin, and tapered perfectly for pointing and for tapping the letters on my iPhone. I can also spell. I'm not boasting; it's just a fact. But already in these first four sentences I had to go back and interpret what Apple had decided I meant to say. If that happens every time I tap the screen, I am wasting an awful lot of time and possibly wearing away my fingertip (oh my goodness, could the skin somehow wear away so that I would have no identification print to get into Disney and Universal? Aaagh!) I have also discovered that the iPhone doesn't recognise 'morphine' (morphing) or 'urine' (ursine/urchin). Yes, these words (and other related ones that I don't want to write just in case I upset the stomachs of those of you with delicate constitutions) are part of everyday conversation with my still hospitalised brother.
Anyway ....
So I thought it would be a good idea to NOT go back and change anything that Apple wanted me to write; and then see how it looked at the end.
Wouldn't you know it? I composed and tapped what I fully expected would be a rather entertaining piece of gibberish. Not a bit of it. There was not one single mistake. Not one. So by assuming I would get it wrong, I didn't.
Maybe this could work for my cooking.