Thursday, 16 March 2017

Plague House 2

One of the Guinea pigs - Hershey - has had pneumonia.  If there's anything deliberately designed to make you feel helpless, it's illness in babies and animals.  You can't explain to them what's happening or why you're doing things.  They just look at you helplessly, and it's terrifying.   However, Hershey - after a stay in hospital and a vat of antibiotics - is on the mend and is probably thinking he's onto a good thing now, what with the best of the best hay and the freshest of the fresh vegetables!  

The humans seem to be recovering too.  It was like a conveyor belt of bleugh. So we knew what was in store by watching the one who got 'it' before us.  

And let's not forget 'the fall'. It was quite a sensation. Busby, I forgive you, but next time I'm holding onto a lead rope and the horse bolts, I hope I remember to LET GO OF THE ROPE.  

Paying for all the physio is a good memory jogger.


  1. Wait.....YOU have to PAY for the physio? I thought you guys had health care coverage from the government? Either way I'm glad everyone is on the mend. (And as a side can you tell when a guinea pig has pneumonia? Inquiring minds want to know.....)

  2. I pay for physio because it's quicker and I can pick my days. But you can have it free if you can wait.
    Guinea pig pneumonia - he was wheezing and went all floppy. It was horrible. 😟
