Saturday, 12 November 2016

... and Nashville

We arrived in Nashville last night after a very busy day.  
The day started at the Railway Museum.  Contrary to the expectations of some of us, this was very interesting.  The history of this place, Bowling Green, in the events of the civil war was fascinating.  This photo is of the federal army marching south.

However I was particularly disturbed by the way the receptionist at the museum referred to "Blacks". It's the first hint of disdain I've heard, and I didn't like it.  
But moving on.  We found a yarn shop. The lady there suggested we get our husbands into the shop because she had coffee brewing.  Much to our surprise they refused. Later they confessed that the refusal was because they felt if they came in we would be in there even longer.  They were probably right.
Next stop?

And to remind us that we are now heading for the music city:

As we reached the outskirts of Nashville, we found the M25:

But we are here now. A lovely Airbnb. We've had a lazy start to the day and are about to set off for the music. 

Yee haa!